Tapswap confirms delay in listing date

Jeremiah Evwierhurhoma
By -
Tapswap confirms delay in listing date

Tapswap, one of the viral telegram games, has confirmed a delay in listing date. The platform posted a few weeks back that it will launch on July 1st this year, but later on retracted its decision. The question by Web 3 influencers has been, will the tap-2-earn game cook?

What's happening to Tapswap?

It's more than 5 months since the TapSwap platform was formed and used by many individuals around the world. Right now more than 60 million people tap their screen regularly to earn shares that will later be claimed as $TAPS according to the company's tokenomics. 

On May 29, the company announced that its launch pool will be on 1st of July, 2024. However, it retracted this statement during an AMA section with the TON Blockchain foundation team held in June. But pushes the date to an unknown date claiming that the technicalities involved in listing needs to be tread with caution, so to speak.

Will TapSwap cook?

During the above period, several events took place. Such as; when the platform carries out a task to earn activities on their telegram bot that involves two Nigeria telegram news and sport betting channels. As a result, the question by many influencers is “will TapSwap cook?” As if that's not enough, the platform encourages users to double their shares by sending 0.5 tons. This further raises eyebrows as to their genuity.

With the AMA section held, the company was able to prove their point and boost the confidence of their users. Today, they have announced through their telegram community channel that there will be a delay in the listing with no fixed date. Although, this is a bad announcement as many users were expecting something new to happen this day.

In addition to the listing delay, they promise that new tier 1 partnerships will be announced, news about the future of the platform, as well as the actual launch. They believe that the listing will definitely occur in quarter three which ranges from July to September. With this information will you keep on tapping or give up?


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