Hamster Kombat is getting ready for pre market

Jeremiah Evwierhurhoma
By -
Hamster Kombat is getting ready for pre market

It is very likely that Hamster Kombat is getting ready for pre market sale. The project was launched in the TON Blockchain to spread web 3 ecosystem to everyone and help individuals earn meme tokens (HMSTR) by increasing their profit per hour (PPH). 

Hamster Kombat pre market sale

Early in June, the project released a card that shows their plan to be involved in pre market sale of the token (a card is part of the way to increase PPH while playing the game). But, after sometime they went silent. However, an advert on twitter by Kucoin shows that the project is cooking its pre market soon.

🚀 Get Ready For Hamster Kombat Coin (HMSTR) in Pre-market!🚀

🌟Sign Up Now🌟

— KuCoin (@kucoincom) June 17, 2024

But how soon will the pre market sale begin? In Hamster Kombat official twitter account, precisely on July 1st, they stated that they will announce a major update soon. While it is not clear what's the major update to be announced, the ads on Kucoin revealed that it is likely the pre market sale of the HMSTR’s coin. The truth is that we are not sure and only time will tell. Therefore take this as a pinch of salt to help you continue playing the game while waiting for the pre-sale and token generation events (TGE).

The largest subscriber on YouTube 

Last month, the project opened a YouTube channel and became the first channel to cross over 30 million subscribers. Also, more than 200 million people are playing the game worldwide. This may have made Cointelegraph publish that the project deserves to be on the Guinness world record. 

In addition, the project remains a record breaker. Instead of creating a platform for users to tap and earn coin balance from it, they created what was later known as PPH (profit per hour). Therefore, players will work on increasing their PPH rather than coin balance in order to gain heavily from the airdrop and listing period.


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